On-Going Formation
St. John Paul II Mission Station
Villa San Miguel, Mandaluyong
February 3, 2024 (Saturday)
8:00 am-12:00 pm The Catechetical Foundation of the Archdiocese of Manila (CFAM) recently held its
quarterly CFAM - Ongoing Formation last February 3, 2024, at the St. John Paul II Mission Station in Villa San Miguel, Mandaluyong. The day began with the recitation of the Holy Rosary and Christian Prayer, followed by the solemn celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Rev. Fr. Carlo Magno S. Marcelo, the CFAM minister, presided over the Holy Mass. In his homily, our minister emphasized the need to identify and overcome the obstacles that hinder compassion and generosity in our lives. He urged the catechists to reflect on the factors that prevent them from fully embracing these virtues, including concerns, lack of prayer, lack of trust in God, and lack of passion for ministry.
Drawing a connection to the feast of St. Blaise, Fr. Carlo encouraged the catechists to seek answers and address these obstacles before receiving the blessing of the throat. The objective was to remove any barriers that impede their ability to live out compassion and generosity.

In the second part of the formation, the minister delivered a talk emphasizing the forthcoming jubilee as an opportunity to restore hope and trust. He urged the catechists to nurture the flame of hope within them, gaining new strength and certainty by embracing the future with an open spirit.
Fr. Carlo's message resonated with the catechists, urging them to cherish the hopes they possess. As catechists, they are called to work together, empowering one another with renewed strength and determination. By maintaining an optimistic outlook and hope for the future, they can face new opportunities and navigate life's challenges. Through mutual trust and support, they can strengthen not only themselves but also their fellow catechists.
Fr. Kim Joshua Bibon was also introduced as the Priest In-charge of the catechists of the Archdiocese of Manila during Fr. Carlo's absence because of his studies in Rome.
After the inputs from the minister, the catechists were divided into small groups to share and deepen their insights from the lecture. It was a valuable occasion for catechists to share their experiences with their peers and foster a sense of community and unity.
The CFAM ongoing formation concluded with a closing prayer and lunch together before they returned home.
St. John Paul II Mission Station
Villa San Miguel, Mandaluyong
February 3, 2024 (Saturday)
8:00 am-12:00 pm The Catechetical Foundation of the Archdiocese of Manila (CFAM) recently held its