January 27, 2024
St. John Bosco Parish, Makati City
Vicariate of Sts. Peter and Paul and Our Lady of Guadalupe
By: Lilibeth Vicente Last January 27, 2024, the children and youth from various parishes in the vicariates of S
aints Peter and Paul and Our Lady of Guadalupe gathered for the “Munting Alagad ni Kristo, Katekista ni Kristo!” assembly. This significant event took place at St. John Bosco Parish, Makati City. The theme emphasized the message from the Gospel of St. Matthew, “Let the little children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Mt. 19:4).
The event began with a solemn Eucharist Celebration led by Rev. Fr. Lonxs Entico Eliosida SDB.
The Munting Alagad ni Kristo’s showcased their talents and assisted in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. They were assigned on various tasks and contributed to a more meaningful and solemn celebration. The choir was led by the children from St. John of the Cross Parish, the animators from Sta. Teresita Parish, the lectors and commentator from Our Lady of La Paz Parish, and the altar servers came from the National Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The children’s participation in the celebration of the Eucharist contributed to a more participative and joyful atmosphere in the mass.
In his heartfelt homily, Fr. Lonxs, challenged the participants to always come to Jesus and embrace their roles as followers of Christ.
After the Eucharistic celebration, Mr. Carmelo Callos, the catechetical coordinator from CFAM gave an opening message and introduced the concept of the Junior Catechists' Association (JCA) to the participants. He also discussed the upcoming events for the Munting Alagad ni Kristo that the children can look forward to.
Rev. Fr. Fernando Urbano, SDB, the Parish Priest of St. John Bosco Parish, also gave an inspiring message that brought life to the celebration. He creatively shared a story about Jesus' efforts for the salvation of everyone.
After the sharing of Fr. Fernando, a joyful animation followed, led by the catechists.
Gratitude was expressed to Rev. Fr. Fernando Urbano, the Parish Priest of St. John Bosco, for the support and for providing the venue.
Likewise, sencere appreciation is showed to the volunteer catechists and parents who were present despite their busy schedules to support their children in this noble activity.
The festivities concluded with a group photo of the delegates.
This occasion marks a positive beginning for the JCA in the area of Makati. It represents a significant step towards achieving CFAM's objectives of strengthening the faith of the children and youth in the Archdiocese of Manila and nurturing their calling to become catechists in the future.
Kudos! and congratulations to the catechists from the vicariate of Sts. Peter and Paul and Our Lady of Guadalupe for a successful Children's Assembly.
January 27, 2024
St. John Bosco Parish, Makati City
Vicariate of Sts. Peter and Paul and Our Lady of Guadalupe
By: Lilibeth Vicente Last January 27, 2024, the children and youth from various parishes in the vicariates of S