Parish Priest
“The first task of the priest as co-worker of the Bishop is to preach the Gospel of God to all men and women.” (Vatican II, Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests, 4)  As such, he is the number one catechist in the parish, a gift and a task as well.  As head and key source for the catechetical ministry, he manages and directs the catechetical programs and personnel of his parish.
Head Catechist
The head catechist coordinates all catechetical activities in the parish. He/she also acts as liaison of the Parish Catechetical Ministry (PCM) to the Diocesan Catechetical Ministry (DCM). 
The catechists are lay – religious – consecrated men and women who respond to the call to be “witnesses to the Gospel,” and “fellow-workers for truth” in the Lord (NCDP 468). His/her main task is to conduct catechetical instruction either in the public or private non-sectarian schools or in the parish communities. 
Students in the Public Schools
The efforts of school based catechists are directed towards the maturation of faith of catholic students in the public schools.
Learners in Parish Communities
The catechists are responsible for the formal and informal groups in the different areas in the parish needing spiritual formation.
PCM Relationship with Parish Pastoral Council and Diocesan Catechetical Ministry
The Parish Catechetical Ministry is an integral part of the Parish Pastoral Council with defined functions and roles similar to the Diocesan Catechetical Ministry. As such, the PCM supports and collaborates with PPC and vice versa. With the Diocesan Catechetical Ministry, the PCM supports and participates in its program. It also exercises and maintains the PRINCIPLE OF SUBSIDIARITY in the performance of its duty.
Parish Education Committee
The Parish Education Committee is the working body of the Parish Council that seeks to guide the parish in responding to the call of the Lord to share the Catholic faith and deepen faith and commitment to the service of the brethren.
It assists parishioners understand that the entire parish community has the responsibility of promoting the teaching mission of the Church.
It also upgrades skills in pastoral management to deepen knowledge of the Word of God as the means to sustain and nourish the Basic Ecclesial Communities and to promote more effective catechesis on renewal in the Church according to the teachings of Vatican II, PCP II and the PCM II.
The Education Ministry takes charge of all activities that contribute toward Christian formation of individuals and groups in the parish.