The fundamental task of the Church is Catechesis.
– JP II Message to Catechist p. 79, NCDP 72 -
Catechetical instruction is the foremost means proper to the Church’s educative function. It is therefore imperative to recognize the strong need to emphasize the importance of catechetical instruction in the Archdiocese of Manila. -“The Catechetical Apostolate”, Statute: Fourth Synod of Manila, 1979-
Every Christian is a catechist who by virtue of the sacrament of baptism shares in the prophetic role of Christ. However, the reality is that majority of our Christian brothers and sisters have little or no knowledge at all about their faith. There is a growing tendency in our society nowadays towards secularism and consumerism. Poverty has forced many parents to spend more time trying to earn a living elsewhere or abroad at the expense of personally handling the formation and guidance of their children. Media which is more often harmful than not, has taken this role of molding the young. These are only about two of the many reasons that hinder the growth of the faith of our fellow baptized Catholics.
By the same grace of baptism, education in the faith is a fundamental right of every Catholic as well as a duty of the Church. This mission of the Archdiocesan Catechetical Ministry is to catechize all sectors of our society.
Conscious of this great mission of catechesis and proclaiming the Gospel to all especially the poor, the ACM in the spirit of “communion,” shall exert all efforts in providing venues for catechetical instruction where there is none. It shall develop programs and pastoral plans in accordance with its mission always careful to read the signs of the times. ACM commits itself, forever faithful in the preservation and conservation of the Church’s apostolic tradition in spreading the Good News in all levels of our society.
A People called by the Father in Jesus Christ to become a community of Persons with fullness of Life witnessing to the Kingdom of God by Living the Paschal Mystery in the Power of the Holy Spirit with Mary as a Companion.
To realize this vision, we commit ourselves to a systematic and intensive catechesis in schools and parishes contributing effectively to a renewed evangelization and intensifying the missionary character of the ecclesial community by catechists living out an integrated spirituality that is authentically Filipino.
AIM, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE CATECHETICAL MINISTRYCatechesis, “situated in the context of the Church’s mission of evangelization…appears as a fundamental ecclesial service for the realization of the missionary mandate of Jesus.” (GDC 59) As an integral part of evangelization, catechesis aims “to make men and women’s faith become living, conscious and active, through the light of instruction. (CD 14) It studies the mystery of Christ in all its dimensions that people are “not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy with Jesus Christ: only He can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of the Holy Trinity. (CT 5)
Based on the Philosophical principles and foundation, the Goal of Catechetical Ministry is to “make Jesus Christ known so that He may be loved” through the education in the faith which includes the formation of catechists who are effective, efficient, dedicated and committed formators of the young and adults.
1. Grade School Catechetical Objectives
For the child there comes soon, at school and in church…not only an introduction into a wider social circle, but also the moment for a catechesis aimed at inserting him or her organically into the life of the Church, a moment that includes an immediate preparation for the celebration of the Sacraments… -CT 37
The Grade School Department shall have the following catechetical objectives:
a. Impart to the children the basic doctrines of the Catholic Church which will help them know, love and serve God.
b. Teach the basic prayers and enable them to pray to God as Father, in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
c. Provide them with the moral laws and commandments to help them to become followers of Jesus.
d. Enable them to appreciate the Liturgy and Sacraments thus prepare them for an active and meaningful participation.
e. Encourage and lead them to service in the community as children of God.
2. High School Catechetical Objectives
It is the time of discovering oneself and one’s own inner world…it is also the age of deeper questioning…the age sometimes of the first experiences of setbacks and disappointments… A catechesis capable of leading the adolescent to re-examine his or her life and to engage in dialogue, a catechesis that does not ignore the adolescent’s great questions—self-giving, belief, love… -CT 38
a. Assist and guide the adolescents to demonstrate familiarity with the person, life, words and teachings of Jesus Christ, participate actively in the parish liturgical life; and make sound decisions based on Christian values and become better persons (spiritually, morally and psychologically).
b. Help them realize and understand their Christian Vocation and manifest in their behavior the awareness of their human dignity as images of God called to holiness of life.
c. Make them work independently while recognizing dependence and giving importance to a life in relation to self, family, others, nature and God.
3. Parish Communities Catechetical Objectives
Usually emerging in the grass root…basic ecclesial communities consciously strive to integrate their faith and their daily life. They are guided and encouraged by regular catechesis. –PCP II 139
The catechists working in the parish communities shall have the following catechetical objectives:
a. Promote Christian formation in the community through Mass Media Education as a means for evangelization and catechesis.
b. Organize alternative groups for children, youth and adults where they can learn and adopt Christian values.
c. Strengthen and sustain the Christian formation by coordinating and integrating catechetical programs with the parish pastoral program.
d. Coordinate with the Worship Commission for a meaningful and creative celebration.
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Scope of our Apostolate: Systematic Catechesis and corresponding programs for apostolic/ leadership/ formation |
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Recipients: Children, Youth, Adults |
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By: Qualified and Competent Catechists |
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Where: In public elementary and high school parishes |
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With corresponding Commitments: To form and qualify professionally all catechists according to specified norms. To follow-up the spiritual formation of catechists |