January 27, 2024
Archdiocesan Shrine of Espiritu Santo
Vicariate of Espiritu Santo
By: Noreen Magno Last January 27, 2024, the Vicariate of Espiritu Santo hosted its 2nd Children's Assembly at the Archdiocesan Shrine of Espiritu Santo. The event w

After the kicked-off ceremony, Reverend Father Alfonso B. Valeza, the parish priest of St. Joseph Gagalangin, led the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. In his homily, the participants were reminded to embrace child-like qualities, just as the Sto. Nino exemplified and embodied the virtues of humility, fidelity, and obedience in their daily lives.
To foster a deeper appreciation for their unique talents and interests, the participants were divided into four workshop groups.
The workshop sessions were facilitated by the following catechists' facilitators:
- Art – Art Perez and Mary Grace Leynes
- Music – Liberty Daya
- Liturgical Dance – Victoria Odog
- Drama – Edna Ambas and Baby Antonio
The children immersed themselves in these engaging activities, relishing the opportunity to express themselves and showcase their abilities.
The day was made even more special with the generous support of the Parish Priests from the Vicariate, who provided a sumptuous lunch for all to nourish both body and spirit and ensure a joyful and enriching experience.
The finale of the assembly was the presentation of talents from the workshop assemblies. The participants eagerly presented their diverse talents, leaving the audience in awe of their creativity and passion.
Before they were sent home, each participant received a Hygiene Kit and toys, graciously provided by kind sponsors, as tokens of appreciation for their active participation.
This remarkable event serves as a testament to the power of unity and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Vicariate of Espiritu Santo, through its 2nd Children's Assembly, has not only celebrated the talents of its young members but has also created a platform for them to grow, express themselves, and strengthen their faith.
With gratitude in our hearts, we acknowledge the divine intervention that made this beautiful gathering possible, and we look forward to witnessing the continued growth and development of these children as they dedicate their talents to serving God and His people.
This event is a sure sign of growth for the Junior Catechists Association (JCA) program in the Vicariate of Espiritu Santo. It represents a significant step towards achieving CFAM's objectives of strengthening the faith of the children and youth in the Archdiocese of Manila and nurturing their calling to become catechists in the future.
Congratulations and commendations to the catechists of the seven parishes—Archdiocesan Shrine of Espiritu Santo, St. Joseph Gagalangin, St. Jose Manggagawa, Sta. Monica, San Raphael, San Roque, and Risen Christ Parish—for organizing a fun and fruitful Children's Assembly.